Wednesday, June 2, 2010


By Vaniecia Williams

Why did you walk into my life
only to walk out of it five minutes later?
You came to me . . .
You pursued me . . .
You asked me . . .
You shared with me.
Then you have an epiphany about a long time friend
Suddenly, we cease to exist.
I love her beyond us being friends”  
I prayed and made a promise to God that I have to keep
“I don’t want you to hate or be angry with me”
“I just want you to understand that I have to follow my heart.”
What about me?
Scared to tell me . . .
Scared to hurt me . . .
Scared to lose me . . .
So what does that say?
Didn’t expect to fall so hard?
Yeah you know, we both know
Yeah I love you, so do you
There I said it, you said it too . . .

This poem was written for a friend who lost the man in her life to another woman.  It was based on her description of events.