Tuesday, January 29, 2008

What Would Martin Say?

By Vaniecia Williams

This morning I listened to Matt Lauer interview Senators Barack Obama and Edward Kennedy. While Mr. Kennedy answered Matt's questions without hesitation - whether he told the truth or not - Mr. Obama side stepped each and every question asked of him. This has been the mantra of veteran broadcaster Tavis Smiley, author Shelby Steele and many others who say that every time they listen to Mr. Obama they never hear a straight-to-the-point answer. This also comes on the heels of the majority of African Americans who say we should support Mr. Obama because he is black. If Black America really thinks this way, then it says a lot about us as a race of people. But what really comes to my mind is Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.'s stance that we must be judged by our content, our skills, by who is best, not the color of our skin. To tell me to vote for Barack Obama simply because he is black takes us back to a time we would rather not talk about.

". . . one day my children will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character," said Martin Luther King, Jr. So what would Martin say today knowing that black America supports Mr. Obama 4 -1 simply because he is black? What would he say today knowing that those same 4 -1 blacks at the beginning of this campaign held an open mind, and would not even entertain the media's suggestion of race; now have their minds closed as we have strayed from campaign issues and are engaged in a game of personal attacks? Would he not tell us to judge the Democratic candidates by the content of their campaigns? Would he not tell us to vote for the best qualified for the job? Would he not tell us to look in depth and not be swayed by who makes us feel good at the moment? Would he not tell us, not to vote for someone simply because they are black? Really now people - what would Martin say?